Real Time Quantitative PCR
(7 credits)
October 1st-29th, 2014
Lectures and Seminars files
Seminar 5 (Reports), Alyona Minina, Department of Plant Biology, SLU
2014.10.24 9:00-12:00 Seminar 4 (Statistical analysis),Alyona/ Maartje Klapwijk
Homework 6 pdf or .pptx, Assignment, Minitab 17
Lecture 7 (Statistical analysis), Maartje Klapwijk, Department of Ecology, SLU
Seminar 3 (Normalisation), Alyona Minina,
Homework 4, Excel example of RT-qPCR design, guideline for design calculation
Seminar 2 (RT-qPCR), Alyona Minina, Department of Plant Biology, SLU
Lecture 6 (Normalisation), Department of Physiological Botany, UU
Lecture 5 (Microarray), Pauliina Munne, FuGU, Helsinki University
Lecture 4 (qPCR in forensics), Johannes Hedman, Lund University/SKL polisen
Lecture 3 (Next gen seq), Olga Vinnere Pettersson, NGI Uppsala
Homework 3: design primers for the experimental part of the course
Seminar 1 (qPCR), Alyona Minina, Department of Plant Biology, SLU
Lecture 2 (qPCR), Alyona Minina, Department of Plant Biology, SLU
Lecture 1 (PCR), Alyona Minina, Department of Plant Biology, SLU
Useful stuff
Manual for run setup and data analysis
How to find linear regression in Excel
Short guide for qPCR data analsysis
Selecting reference genes
GENEVESTIGATOR (make sure JAVA is of the latest version and is enabled in your internet browser)
Primer design
Softwares for data analylis (for Windows only, sorry)
CFX Manager, to install:
download the file
unzip CFX Manager
open the folder CFX_Manager
run the Setup file
IQ5, to install:
download the file
unzip the
run the dotnetfx file
Short manuals for qPCR machines softwares:
Here you can find the syllabus and schedule
Real-time quantitative PCR is a very popular method broadly used and missused in molecular biology. The aim of this course is not only to teach the very basics of the qPCR theory and practice, but also to introduce students to the MIQE guidelines essential for designing performing and interpreting quantitative experiments in a reliable way.
Another aim of this course is to familiarize students with more adavanced techonologies alternative to qPCR which are gradually becoming more and more available. Students will have an opportunity to meet with experts from SciLifeLab and Functional Genomics Unit of Helsinki University and also learn how qPCR is applied in forensic science.
To register for the course send an e-mail to: alena.minina @
Deadline for registration: September 19th 2014
All lectures are open, registration is required only to attend the practical part of the course
Alyona Minina, Department of Plant Biology, SLU
Olga Vinnere Pettersson, UU. NGI Uppsala.
Maartje Klapwijk, Department of Ecology, SLU
Johannes Hedman, Applied Microbiology, Lund University. SKL
Pauliina Munne, FuGU, Helsinki University
Participants (max. 16 students)
Salim Hossain Reza, Department of Plant Biology, SLU
Konstantia Gkarmiri, Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, SLU
Enid Ming Zhao,Department of Plant Biology, SLU
Martin Palmqvist, Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, SLU
Jun Yi, Department of Plant Biology, SLU
Zaenab Al-Azzawi,Department of forest mycology and plant pathology, SLU
Jule Brandenburg, Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, SLU
Kiran Kumar Jagarlamudi, Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry, SLU
Anna Carlson, Department of Plant Biology, SLU
Enrique Del Olmo de Medina, Castilla-La mancha University/SLU
Maite Urbano, Cordoba University/SLU
Shirin Akhter, Department of Plant Biology, SLU
Anders Johannisson, Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry, SLU
Mohammad Jaber Alipour, SLU